Independent Study Online Opportunity

Aug 11, 2016 | Business, Uncategorized

Learning Online

The request came from Texas for me to create an online learning opportunity. I quickly scheduled and facilitated Faculty at Work 181 and 182 using the Zoom platform. From those fantastic experiences, the goal was set to create an online independent study. Walk with me through the slightly trickier learning curve as I explored the when, what, how, and why.

Sooner, not later was the request. I figured there is no time like the present. August 15th was the goal!

Familiar Vs Novel

What was my level of familiarity with this project? I had already used a number of online educational platforms. What was new and novel? This would be my first time editing audio and video myself.

To begin, I checked my PACE, which is an acronym for getting Positive, Active, Clear and Energetic. I reflected on the desired outcome and how to make the vision a reality. The advice from various online entrepreneurs was to use what already existed. So I chose to re-purpose the content I originally wrote in 2011. The primary outcome now was the same as then: modeling how to speak of “The 26” Brain Gym® Movements in terms of physical skills while integrating references and storytelling. The difference would be up-leveling to the twenty-first century by creating a multi-sensory audio-visual experience.

Making the Vision a Reality

How would the vision become reality? After much research, I decided to play with a new-to-me program. I discerned what I already knew about video editing and what needed to be learned. I prepared by reading reviews and watching tutorials.

Finally, it was time to get in the trenches and just do it! There is no prize if one never starts. I naievely thought that making a four hour online class couldn’t be that cumbersome! Let me tell you…my learning curve of transferring the first hour-long audio mp3 into a mp4 with video took well over ten hours. And, persistence paid off. For the second and third editing transfers, I discovered shortcuts and cut my time significantly.

Acceptable Mode for Learning

Some argue that learning cannot possibly occur online. There is research defending both viewpoints.

Why do I believe this works? What is my rationale? Do I have parameters and boundaries? I believe in variety. I trust individuals to make the choice that supports their learning style and life situation. Not everyone can do their best in a classroom setting. Some do better in their own environment on their own time. Traveling is not feasible for all due to care taking of kids and/or parents, one’s own health or one’s job situation. I believe in offering a variety of learning arrangements so that each person can choose what is appropriate for him/her.

My rationale has boundaries. I think this format is not ideal for initial experiential concepts. In my opinion, those are best explored in person. However, for review, refinement or deepening of knowledge, online learning can provide a wonderful win-win for the learner and the instructor.

Assessment and Evaluation

Proof is in the reflection. I felt such relief when I finished editing the final video. Until I realized that I wasn’t ready to launch, yet. How would I guarantee students actually invested the time to watch the videos? Was the content worthwhile? What was gained from the experience?

I decided to have the opening assignment match my in-person classes by inviting reflection on “Why did I register for this class? What do I hope to get out of it (besides a certificate for 4 credits)?” Since it is an independent study, I created assignments to go with each video. The questions are open- and close-ended; some are black and white answers while others require higher-order thinking. Answers can be submitted in any format: written, audio, video, artistically, etc. Class comes full circle  with a reflection on how the initial goals and objectives were met. If they were not met, suggestions for improvement are encouraged.

I, myself, have reflected on this process. “Ready, Aim, Fire” is one style of thinking but as an entrepreneur it is important to consider a different order sometimes and just Go For It! I could still be editing. But, I’m not. Yes, there are things I’d do differently. (I could have created a consistent opening for all three videos.) Because none of us are perfect, there will always be places for growth and change. I am delighted with what I’ve created! Raise your glass with me in a virtual toast to my “Firing” while still refining the “Ready, Aim.”

Check it out!

Faculty at Work Independent Study



Hi, I’m Cindy!

I help teachers, parents, and childcare providers to increase focus, improve behavior and help your kids learn to love learning again!.

Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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