Crabby Cranials

Crabby Cranials

Daughter, “Mom, I think a balance would help you feel better.” Mom, “Help? I don’t need help! If you’d _____________, life would be just fine! Feel better??? I feel F.I.N.E!” 🤬 Imagine an exasperated mom’s-at-the-end-of-her-rope voice. I observed a faculty intern...

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Brrr! Safety First

Brrr! Safety First

One coach. 8 youth. A chaperone. Two vehicles. -50F windchill. Blowing snow. Interstate closure. "Brrrr!” and a few other choice words. Coach’s Perspective Teenagers have jobs and commitments. Parents agreed to a one-night trip. Coaches and chaperones have lives...

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Afraid of What? Animals!

Afraid of What? Animals!

As a little girl, I used to crawl up my daddy’s leg in the presence of any 🦮 dog. Growing up, cows🐄 were frightful beings—I hated unhooking them to let them out each afternoon; even more, I hated when it was time to bring them back in the barn for milking. I always...

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How Bonding Can Improve Your Riding

How Bonding Can Improve Your Riding

She wins a horse. Her non-horsey parents drive the truck and trailer nine hours to the ranch. Upon arrival, the breeders introduce her to the foal, “You can put the halter on her.” How does one approach a wild weanling? And then get her in the trailer to begin the...

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Improve your riding one reflex at a time…

Improve your riding one reflex at a time…

Jumping Figure 8. The rider is in the warm-up arena reliving all the times the horse has evaded the jump—either swerving left or right OR slamming on the brakes at the very last second sending the rider up over the saddle horn. There is emotion in the rider’s voice....

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Blowing Through the Caverns

Blowing Through the Caverns

2021 felt like a long slumber. I didn’t feel especially inspired or "awake". 2022 slithered in quietly, without fanfare. And then I heard a word. And then I heard a song. And suddenly, I'm awake and inspired. The Word: Contribute I spontaneously participated in a...

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Crafting as a Key to Change

Crafting as a Key to Change

Family Session: Take 2! Same family: Two parents with three “kids” ages 25, 18 and 14. Adoption. Trauma. Diagnoses and labels. Three to four hours together in the frozen tundra of Minnesota on a Saturday before the holidays. Using prayer and intention, the priority...

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The Alphabet of “C”

The Alphabet of “C”

A is for Apple B is for Bear C is that naughty word That hovers in the air   D is disease-based Directives E is the Elephant F can’t be spoken Because it’s very un-elegant   G “Goldade” H “Hey, where ya been?” I “I am right here…” J “just chill'en.”  ...

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Mountain Range of Parenting

Mountain Range of Parenting

I awoke at 6:06 with an image: Parenting is like a mountain range. I laid in bed reflecting on what I knew about mountains—how are they formed and named? And then I traveled down memory lane drafting this article while my head was still resting on the pillow. Does...

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Hi, I’m Cindy!

I help teachers, parents, and childcare providers to increase focus, improve behavior and help your kids learn to love learning again!.

Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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Keys to Literacy: Theory and Lessons

Learn why Montessori prepares the body for the academic tasks of writing and reading. The physical skills of learning are isolated by sense and then combined into multi sensory lessons.