Thankful for critters, clutter, and complaints

Thankful for Mice

Mice. How can one be thankful for mice? Well, the kitchen cupboard they keep visiting has had its dishes cleaned regularly the past few weeks. I guess I can be thankful for clean dishes. Under and around the wash machine (another mouse hangout) has been scrubbed more this fall than in years! And hubby’s “junk drawer” is empty…his business receipts have been entered into Quickbooks AND it’s not even tax season, yet. I can definitely be thankful for getting ahead on bookwork. Those little four-legged vermin have a way of encouraging one to clean and organize!

Thankful for Clutter

It can be a stretch to feel thankful when packing up years of accumulated office clutter. I’m discovering duplicate books, toys, and tools. There’s stuff that needs to find a home within my already full home. Like the mouse dilemma, there is another perspective to consider. I’m going to offer giveaways throughout December. Obviously, since I own more than one of these resources, I think they’re super valuable. And I want to share that value with like-minded individuals. Watch my Facebook page for more information. I’m thankful for the opportunity to turn a potential “bleh” into a fist-pumping “yeah!”

Thankful for Complaints

Yesterday, a first grade teacher approached me lamenting about the lack of quality online resources. Can gratitude be found in complaints? I believe it can. I’ve been toying with the idea of making videos all of 2016. Numerous “but’s” kept stopping me. Now, I feel validated and encouraged to flip the “but’s” into action and “just do it.” Watch my youTube channel for more in 2017. Thank you teachers for nudging me forward.

Gratitude comes is all shapes and sizes. Watch for it. In particular, notice when you’re feeling a lack of gratitude. Remember the old adage about the glass being half full versus half empty. I searched for a graphic and came across a 2-for-1: click the graphic for an this interesting article on pessimism and optimism.Glass Half Full

Raising my half-full glass in cheers to you! If you’re thankful for this post, please share it with your friends and sign up on my website.

Wishing you the most blessed of Thanksgivings!

(c) 2016 cindy goldade, in-motion intelligence




Hi, I’m Cindy!

I help teachers, parents, and childcare providers to increase focus, improve behavior and help your kids learn to love learning again!.

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