Bored? Not!

Jun 15, 2016 | Uncategorized

Top 30 What to Do Instead of TV

Summer Vacation

It was barely summer vacation. I was out running errands. Upon returning, I found the kids watching Netflix in the middle of the afternoon on a beautiful sunny day. I may or may not have had a mommy meltdown. (wink wink)

What was the outcome of this incident?

Here is my TOP 30 of what to do instead of watching TV. I included a phrase for each of potential benefits. Of course, a blog post could have been written about each one but then summer would be over. Enjoy!

  1. Ride bike (Use vestibular system)
  2. Paddle in the pond (Build upper body strength)
  3. Walk (Cross lateral benefit with arm swing)
  4. Hike (Build vision, balance, and coordination)
  5. Cut grass (Just because)
  6. Weed a garden (Expand definition of “weed”)
  7. Play with the dog (Bonding for both dog and human)
  8. Ride horse (Human/animal trust establishment)
  9. Swing (Vestibular input)
  10. Scooter (Homolateral/one-sided work)
  11. Play guitar/piano (Rhythm and pattern are foundation for academics)
  12. Read a book (Build imagination/visualization)
  13. Color (Creative outlet)
  14. Listen to music (Rhythm and pattern are foundation for academics)
  15. Bake cookies (YUM!)
  16. Cook food to eat or freeze (Planning ahead is a life skill)
  17. Exercise/workout (The body likes movement)
  18. Do laundry (Phew! What smells?)
  19. Clean house; do chores (If you live here, help out)
  20. Connect with a friend (Socialize)
  21. Complete a craft (Discover satisfaction)
  22. Swim (Whole body coordination from breathing to legs/arms)
  23. Visit the library (They’re filled with resources!)
  24. Watch a “how to” and then do it (Build your brain with newness!)
  25. Learn a new computer program (Build your brain some more!)
  26. Volunteer (Flex your community service muscles)
  27. Get a job (Make some moolah to support your hobbies)
  28. Cloud and/or star gaze (Breathe and relax)
  29. Listen to nature (Breathe some more)
  30. Play a board game and/or cards (Win and/or Lose gracefully)

Bored? Not!

 Post Bored! NOT! for a Quick Reference.

Hi, I’m Cindy!

I help teachers, parents, and childcare providers to increase focus, improve behavior and help your kids learn to love learning again!.

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