
Nov 22, 2017 | Uncategorized

As many are reflecting with gratitude, I want to share a shout out to those who have shaped and molded me into who I am today. It’s impossible to rank these, so consider each one as important as the next one.

My Kids

Each has prodded me onward in studying the brain, body, and gut! Lyme’s Disease, Gut Dysbiosis, Eczyma, allergies, left-handedness, reading delays, and more. God does know what He is doing. I wouldn’t be teaching adults, if these three kids hadn’t chosen me for a mom!

Chiropractors, Acupuncturists, and Massage Therapists

Sixteen years ago, I had a son with hives and ear infections. No one cared. I looked in the yellow pages—yes, I am that old—and found Dr. Mark McCarthy. He went deeper than the symptoms, not only for my kid, but for me. He continues to teach me so much about medicine, our body’s synergistic systems, and how to not limit my definition of wellness. He moved 45 minutes away and I still travel to see him. In 2017, I’ve had multiple chiropractors reach out to me to learn more about Brain Gym, and I, in turn, am learning more about different styles of chiropractic.

Brain Gym® Instructors

My first Brain Gym® instructors, Catherine Warrick and Linda Perry, nudged me out of my comfort zone. They held my hand throughout licensure. When they retired, they recommended me to continue their roles as adjunct faculty at Hamline University, where I still teach today. Thank you for believing in me and seeing what I didn’t yet see.

Brain Gym® Founders

Paul and Gail Dennison opened doors for me and countless others to think about learning by observing self first and then others. They wrote about their observations and experiences. They shared. Now, in their 70’s, they continue writing, sharing AND modeling how to continue living, no matter one’s age. You can keep a pulse on them at and/or through social media. They post and tweet regularly!

International Faculty

This is a large culturally diverse global group who welcomed me as a “young’un,” relatively speaking. They model how to allow discomfort and sometimes even fear to move through them as a group for the benefit of all who promote the Brain Gym® work. Bonnie Hershey and Colleen Gardner are two of my earliest faculty mentors AND we still work and play together today!

Breakthroughs International

How can a foundation shape me? Belonging to an international organization as a lil’ midwestern girl is a BIG deal. I started as a licensed instructor and quickly became a dedicated volunteer. During a leadership transition, I was asked to join the payroll as a Director reviewing copyright, courses, products and more. Working for a non-profit, broadened my knowledge of volunteering, legal issues, copyright, trademark, cultural values and beliefs, and so much MORE. And it still supports me now that I’ve returned to my original roles of dedicated volunteer, instructor and International Faculty.


You are my safe haven for e-moting, whether it is laughing or crying. You are my mirror and reflect my image back to me to continually tweak and refine.


I married a shirt/tie, white-collar dude; he switched careers to become a small business owner who digs underground. Originally, he married a preschool teacher who started studying the brain and transitioned from teaching children to teaching adults. We both have entrepreneurial spirits and I’m thankful for him standing by me wherever I go in the world.


My parents. What more is there to say? Their influence is so great. It may be hard to see how farmers influence teachers. To me, it’s all about work ethic and integrity. It is the continuous little things—helping a neighbor, quietly donating food to a project, stepping up to fill others’ shoes, loving unconditionally, and more! They model every day how to keep on keepin’ on.

Yes, I live a blessed life. Thank you for being part of it.

(c) 2017 cindy Goldade
Brain Gym® is a registered trademark of the educational kinesiology foundation, santa barbara, ca


Hi, I’m Cindy!

I help teachers, parents, and childcare providers to increase focus, improve behavior and help your kids learn to love learning again!.

Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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