Reflections of Educational Kinesiology

Dec 31, 2014 | Emotions

Unconditional Love, Assimilation, Harmony, Bonding, Reflection, Contentment, Worth, Letting Go, Gentle Spirit, Inner Direction, Transformation, Choice Making…These are some of the concepts in the Edu-K In Depth course called Seven Dimensions of Intelligence.

As we close out 2014, these words hold a lot of wisdom and relevance. Many of us LOVE this work unconditionally. We assimilate it into our existence, at times using it almost automatically. We recognize when our lives are in harmony or not. And we bond with others who are like-minded and growth-oriented. Educational Kinesiology is all about reflection, also called observation or noticing. We find contentment with the present while still setting goals for the future. Worthiness of self, colleagues, instructors, volunteers, and the organization is recognized. We know the value of letting go of what is no longer supportive. And we collectively strive to do it all with a gentle spirit! The strategic plan sets goals so that the organization has an inner direction.

Finally, transformation happens, almost imperceptibly. As we pause to celebrate the past, present and future, we discover new choices to contemplate.

Educational Kinesiology provides a template blending mental and emotional concepts with physical observation and movement. It is a whole-system approach. And it works!

Consider playing with the opening words to this article. How do they resonate with you? Are they positive for you or are you on the flip side, e.g. experiencing disharmony instead of harmony or anger instead of contentment or maybe outer vs inner direction? Consider whether the “flip side” is serving you well. Sometimes, it has a temporary purpose and other times we become stuck in a rut. When ready, the 5 Step Balance Process can support moving out of the rut.

May you approach the end of 2014 with a sense of adventure as you look back on 2014, celebrate your current space in the world, and set some goals for the future!

Reprinted from Edu-K Update

Goldade, Cindy. “Entering a New Arena.” Edu-K Update (2014).

Hi, I’m Cindy!

I help teachers, parents, and childcare providers to increase focus, improve behavior and help your kids learn to love learning again!.

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