Jumping In

May 20, 2016 | Business, Uncategorized

How do you jump into something new?

I could keep pulling old posts over from other sites. Or I could build that one last section of my website. Or go get some vegetables to plant outside. Or close my eyes for a bit. Or write a new blog post. Jumping in to write my first blog post of 2016, I first looked back and decided it felt most appropriate to blend some past with the present. What was makes us who we are. Here, you will find some initial thoughts from 2010 blended with thoughts from today.

How do we go about jumping off into a new venture?


Jumping in after much preparation

Do we pause in preparation like Leah?

Jumping in straight and determined

Do we take aim and go in straight as an arrow like Aaron?

Jumping in with joy and wild abandon

Or do we joyously give 110% as we are present in the moment like Nathan?

Originally written in 2010, those kids are now much bigger, yet their personalities are pretty much the same. Leah still likes to hover on the edge for awhile before taking flight. Aaron has earned the nickname “Bulldozer” for his way of going straight for his goals. And Nathan is our outgoing, vivacious leader who loves being center stage.

Consider how you approach projects.

I have been learning a lot about myself as I rebrand my business in 2016. And, I see myself in each of my children.

PERSEVERATING over jumping in

At times, in the past, I have preferred hovering and perseverating to doing. Logos, banners, brand colors, font choices. Eek! It almost feels easier to remain as-is than to change. Much like Leah standing at the edge of the pontoon holding her nose, the anticipation seemed almost as fulfilling as the actual work. Creating a new logo was my first decision. It had me stuck for quite awhile. Just like jumping in the water…I held my breath, continually sent it back for more revisions, until I finally felt a “YES” and approved it. The wave of relief and satisfaction for having “done it” was immense, just like when you come up for air after jumping in the water.


When I’m not perseverating, I’m like my middle child with my eyes set on the end result. Just like my son jumps in the water, oftentimes, I shoot towards my goals straight as an arrow. In Business in Balance, my strengths test showed I was an Organizational Wizard and Pragmatician first and foremost. In my words, this means I like to “get ‘er done!” Checklists are my friends and help me feel accomplished. Confession: I can over-focus to the exclusion of cooking dinner, checking schoolwork, enjoying fresh air, etc. Balance is key!

Joyful presence

What about the kid jumping in with arms and legs outstretched, smiling ear-to-ear? Believe it or not, that is how I feel every time I tick something off my list. Logo approved. High Five! Business card ordered. More celebrating. Website launched. Break open the wine! The list isn’t finished. Running a business is more like a marathon than a sprint. Coming soon: personalized programs, regular newsletter, weekly blog posts, Pinterest board expansion, and more!

Jumping in

One lesson I’ve heard repeatedly during this rebranding experience is to just do it. Instead of the all familiar “Ready, Aim, Fire” change it up. Fire, Ready, Aim. Take a chance. Just do it! Editing, modifying, and updating are always options.


Hi, I’m Cindy!

I help teachers, parents, and childcare providers to increase focus, improve behavior and help your kids learn to love learning again!.

Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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