Emotional Wipe Out

Feb 11, 2011 | Emotions

Emotions can really wipe a person out.  🙂 😥 👿 😯 Last week was an emotional high as I spent the week in California productively and joyfully working for Brain Gym® International. I returned home and within 48 hours my friend’s dog, whom I had seen in California, died and then a student at the school where I work and my kids attend suffered an aneurysm and had emergency brain surgery. The dog was only seven and the girl is only nine years old.

Emotional Energy

On top of traveling, these two events had profound effects on my energy level for the week. As we meander through 2011, be sure to notice when the primary message is to pause, hug someone, and be in the moment…since we never know what the next moment may bring.

I am helping out in the office at Hand in Hand (HIH). It is similar work to what I’ve done for years at Brain Gym® International (BGI). However, I’m 1500 miles away from the physical BGI office located in Ventura, CA. When in the HIH physical office space this week, I deeply felt the intensity–physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual.
Individuals bring their “urgent” self-imposed emergencies. Distractions are everywhere–the phone, tech challenges, parents and colleagues who consider “chatting” part of the office job description, etc… It takes skill and practice to prioritize and be ok telling someone “next week” or expecting self-responsibility.  “Split focus concentration” takes on a whole new level in a busy office/reception area.

It is almost therapeutic to deliver notes to various classrooms, which allows for many  vigorous Cross Crawls. Sipping water and Belly Breathing also help me make it through each day. Hook-ups and Positive Points keep the attitude balanced. Oh, and a good sense of humor (preferably with some chocolate) is vital!

It continually amazes me that a three year old can receive the same benefits as me…using simple movements that do not interfere with learning or working! Brain Gym enhances my life!

Tell me how you use Brain Gym is the workplace.


Hi, I’m Cindy!

I help teachers, parents, and childcare providers to increase focus, improve behavior and help your kids learn to love learning again!.

Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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