Empowering teachers, parents, and childcare providers to help youth learn through movement, increase focus and improve their behavior.

Empowering teachers, parents, and childcare providers to help youth learn through movement, increase focus and improve their behavior.

Does this sound like you?

→ Have you lamented about listening skills lately?

→ Do you ever catch someone rubbing their eyes after reading?

→ Did you know some pediatricians assure parents that crawling is unnecessary?

→ Do you know how many kids are addicted…to screens, meds, sugar, caffeine, etc?

If any of the above is familiar to you as a teacher, childcare provider, or parent, come along with me to find some answers.

Our kids need HELP! And it doesn’t have to cost a lot of time or money. I’ve studied the strategies that best support child development and academic success. Whether you prefer face-to-face or online learning, I’ll teach you simple interventions to build the skill sets for life.

Sign Up for my Free Brain Gym® Bootcamp today!

Receive simple strategies that you can start using NOW to increase focus, improve behavior and help your kids learn to love learning again!

Join me for a learning opportunity



I weave the powerful relationship between moving and learning with storytelling and practical tips. As an International Faculty, I offer Educational Kinesiology/Brain Gym® courses in a variety of formats from in person to online. Participants have attended from over 25 countries!



My interactive workshops are filled with strategies to immediately integrate into existing lesson plans and activities.

Please contact me to schedule a tailored training about movement, sensory systems, literacy, art/music, Montessori and/or alternative methods of education.



Private sessions are a wonderful way to receive one-on-one attention while working through a roadblock.

Sessions may utilize Educational Kinesiology, such as Brain Gym®, in addition to other movement based strategies.

Hi, I’m Cindy!

I help teachers, parents, and childcare providers to increase focus, improve behavior and help your kids learn to love learning again!

You’re in the right place if:

  • Focus is a challenge
  • Transitions often result in tantrums
  • Test taking ends in tears

That’s why I created the Brain Gym® Bootcamp. To help you gain strategies that best support child development and academic success

Workshops & Events

In Person Events

2/1 Synchronize to Optimize

In person, St. Paul, MN

3/6 Keys to Literacy

In person, Waite Park, MN

3/16 Intentional Movement Works for the Mover in Your Classroom

In person, Denver, CO

3/20 Art: Why does it matter and how to create developmentally appropriate activities

In person, Anoka County, MN

4/14 Five Ways to Incorporate Music in Early Childhood

In person, Shakopee, MN

4/15 Understanding Developmental Movement Patterns

In person, Buffalo, MN

5/13 Art: Why does it matter and how to create developmentally appropriate activities

In person, Hutchinson, MN

10/13 Understanding Developmental Movement Patterns

In person, Rochester, MN

Online Events

4/21 Art: Why does it matter and how to create developmentally appropriate activities


From the Blog

Crafting as a Key to Change

Crafting as a Key to Change

Family Session: Take 2! Same family: Two parents with three “kids” ages 25, 18 and 14. Adoption. Trauma. Diagnoses and labels. Three to four hours together in the frozen tundra of Minnesota on a...

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Playful Strategies Yield Positive Results

Playful Strategies Yield Positive Results

What is your role in the family? Are you the oldest or the baby? Are you the clown or the serious one? Are you the planner/organizer or the one who goes-with-the-flow? Are you the caretaker or do...

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The Alphabet of “C”

The Alphabet of “C”

A is for Apple B is for Bear C is that naughty word That hovers in the air   D is disease-based Directives E is the Elephant F can’t be spoken Because it’s very un-elegant   G “Goldade” H...

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It’s time to stop hanging your head in defeat

Whether you’re a parent or an educator, whether you’re seeking to help yourself or others, you can support learning for all ages, improve focus, AND increase positive behavior choices.

It all starts with learning specific strategies. Get inspired to look at learning through a different lens.

Imagine if you could…

  • Take a test without becoming overwhelmed by anxiety
  • Maintain focus while completing a task (chore or even an assignment)
  • Transition from one activity to another readily and easily
  • Support others in the above-noted endeavors

I can help you get started! Before long, you’ll be holding your head higher than ever and celebrating the simplicity of these micro-interventions!