No matter the hat you wear, I’ll teach you simple interventions to build the skill sets for life.
No matter the hat you wear, I’ll teach you simple interventions to build the skill sets for life.
Kids have changed! It seems like they’re wired differently. Text-speak. Minute attention spans. Lack of body awareness. Labels, labels, and more labels.
Learn new strategies to support teaching and parenting. Get inspired to look at learning through a different lens.
Be affirmed and validated for your experiences in education while learning different techniques to address challenges. Public and Private School Teachers, Occupational and Physical Therapists, Homeschool Parents, Childcare Professionals, and Others have learned tools to evaluate and support the physical skills of learning.
We cannot keep on doing the same ole thing and expect the same ole results.
I weave the powerful relationship between moving and learning with storytelling and practical tips. As an International Faculty, I offer Educational Kinesiology/Brain Gym® courses in a variety of formats from in person to online. Participants have attended from over 25 countries!
My interactive workshops are filled with strategies to immediately integrate into existing lesson plans and activities.
Please contact me to schedule a tailored training about movement, sensory systems, literacy, art/music, Montessori and/or alternative methods of education.
Private sessions are a wonderful way to receive one-on-one attention while working through a roadblock.
Sessions may utilize Educational Kinesiology, such as Brain Gym®, in addition to other movement based strategies.
Understanding what will help our daughter, while watching her play, is an amazing ability of Cindy’s.
Recommended Resources
My favorite tools, books and resources.