The Alphabet of “C”

Sep 29, 2021 | Uncategorized

A is for Apple

B is for Bear

C is that naughty word

That hovers in the air


D is disease-based Directives

E is the Elephant

F can’t be spoken

Because it’s very un-elegant


G “Goldade”

H “Hey, where ya been?”

I “I am right here…”

J “just chill’en.”


What is this about? Well, I’m teaching a literacy class. The alphabet is one large code, filled with acronyms, mnemonics, and exceptions. Kind of like the world we are living in. Filled with new acronyms, mnemonics and exceptions that surround C_____.


The C-word can’t be spoken.

Jabs (supposedly) can’t be chosen.

Mandated testing bullies it’s way into my life.

Required passports, but limited traveling.


No one could have predicted the past 20 months. It presents itself like grief, with many tiered stages. They scaffold and come back, again and again. The tiers leave me fatigued. Bone tired.


I spent a lot of 2021 in the stage of “chillin” and waiting it out. Now I’m shifting to a stage of change, new opportunities and excitement. Taking a stand for my beliefs and values means facing conflict eye-to-eye. Been praying for a sign. Argued each one away. Until. That. One.


Today was the mother of all signs!

A simple email…

Would you like to???

Have you ever considered???

Why, yes I would. I haven’t until NOW!

Creativity and possibility struck like lightning bolts.

And here I am imagining the rainbow after the storm.


Whatever your stage. Whatever your letter in the alphabetic code. Be filled with grace for yourself.

Hi, I’m Cindy!

I help teachers, parents, and childcare providers to increase focus, improve behavior and help your kids learn to love learning again!.

Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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