Turtle Mountain Reservation

Presenting last year at the North Dakota Catholic Conference was the catalyst to step into a new space figuratively and literally.

Figuratively & Literally

After returning to Minnesota, I reached out to the Principal at Saint Ann’s School in Belcourt, ND. I felt a strong calling that I was to go there. Know that I do not reach out to set up presentations; me putting myself out there was a big deal! It was a year of faith-filled anticipation and trust. Finally, schedules and finances aligned. Alone, I headed on a 8 hour pilgrimage west–literally stepping out. I presented a seven-hour inservice to about twenty educators from three schools. As most teaching experiences, I received as much as I gave. I wrote this poem in an effort to succinctly summarize my time at the Turtle Mountain Reservation.

Turtle Mountain Reservation

Reservations about giving an inservice on the Reservation.

What if I inadvertently offend with my words and/or actions?

Fear about inserting foot in mouth.

All eyes on me—I am an outsider,

Out of my comfort zone and it is uncomfortable.


Holy brothers and sisters feeding my body and soul.

Queen of Peace Retreat Center.

Volunteers living the work 24/7.

Peeking out of my shell.


Turtle slide on my powerpoint appears.

I pause realizing I’m on Turtle Mountain Reservation.

Turtle. Frozen in fear.

Like the brain stem.

I felt like that upon arrival.

Shriveling into invisibility.


Look out into the audience.

Engagement. Focus. Safety.

Share my “aha” of the turtle and Turtle Mountain.

Remember the smiles and warmth of each greeting.

Continue with my most authentic self.



As a European Central Minnesotan,

I only know what I know.

As residents on a reservation,

They only know what they know.

Neither is right-er than another.


We are more similar than different.

They may have histories of drugs and alcohol.

I, too, have personal family history of drugs and alcohol.

They may struggle matching curriculum with children.

I can relate—it’s one of the reasons I homeschool.

They may know kids with challenges.

I do, too.



Reservations about the Reservation are gone.

Replaced with a burning desire to return.

The intention is set. Ready for it to become reality.

(c) 2017 cindy goldade, in-motion intelligence



Hi, I’m Cindy!

I help teachers, parents, and childcare providers to increase focus, improve behavior and help your kids learn to love learning again!.

Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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